

Please note that key changes have been made to the syllabus for 2025, including changes to qualification for the championships and removal/addition of sections. We highly encourage that you read through the syllabus AND its rules before entering.

Competitors are responsible for ensuring they are following the rules of the eisteddfod as listed in the syllabus, that they have enrolled in the correct section and have prepared the right material. For those competing in the championship, competitors/parents/teachers are also responsible for ensuring they meet the championship’s qualifications. If you do not meet these qualifications, you will NOT be allowed to compete in the championship. No exceptions will be made.

Specific Competition Dates and Times for Competitors are non-negotiable. Exact date and times for each performer and their entered section will be released with our program in April.

Any performance date requests made WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. NO negotiations will be entered into regarding changing any performance dates. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this.

Please see the Syllabus for strict Late Entry Fee Rules.

Entries are to be submitted Online via the Stardom Entry and Payment system.

  • When first using Stardom, once only registration is necessary.
  • Payment within the Stardom system is by using credit card or debit card. (EFT is not available via this system.) Payments are processed directly by NAB Transact. No payment details are accessible by the Eisteddfod Society or by Stardom.
  • Emailed or Posted Entries will not be acknowledged or accepted.

Online processing fees:

  • $2 invoice fee per entry (not per competitor) charged by Stardom. Example: entries for 3 competitors entered on the same invoice will be charged a Stardom fee of $2.
  • $1 per section entry fee charged by Stardom. This fee will be paid to Stardom by the City of Parramatta Eisteddfod Society Inc. from the section entry fees collected.
  • 2% of invoice amount being the fee charged by NAB transact. Example: Invoice amount $29 plus NAB transact fee of 2% (58 cents). Total amount charged to credit/debit card equals $29.58.

Program - Order Online when entering:

  • Competitors’ performance dates can only be obtained from the Program, available in April each year. Please order and pay for your program when submitting entries.
  1. ) Emailed Copy: A compulsory administration fee of $5 will apply. This fee will include the emailing in April 2024 of the program to all submitters of entries for the 2024 Speech and Drama Eisteddfod.
  2. ) Printed Copy (Optional): To obtain an optional printed copy of the program, an additional fee of $7 applies (a total of $12.00 including the compulsory emailed copy). This needs to be selected on the Stardom invoice page and payable as part of the total invoice amount.

Entry Fees

9-10 yrs, 11-12 yrs, 13-14 yrs, 15-16 yrs & 17-18 yrs $25.00
14 -16 years $15.00
17 years & Over $18.00
Junior (16 yrs & Under) $11.00
Senior (17 yrs & Over) $13.00
Poem for 3-6 Speakers $24
Group Prepared Mime for 2-6 players $24
Dramatic Scene for 3-6 players $24
Readers’ Theatre for 2-6 readers $24
Unison Reading for 2-3 readers $24
Group Improvisation 2-6 players $24
Poems for Two $21.00
Duologues in Costume $21.00
Impromptu Phone Conversation for Two $21.00

Enquiries, including help with submitting entries Online, to:

Kerry Brennan: “Convenor”
0414 338 761

Phone only between 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.